Health and Life Sciences
At Insight Economics we have specialised in the unique challenges and opportunities within health and life sciences sector, including issues related to equitable access to services, defining and realising value for money in regulatory settings, valuing innovation, and the potential for improving service delivery through investment and operational change.
For example, our Directors have led major studies including:
Support to develop the vision and goals for Australia's first ever Cancer Plan in partnership with Cancer Australia (forthcoming)
State of the Nation in Melanoma for the Melanoma Institute of Australia and Melanoma Patients Australia
A research audit and roadmap to improve outcomes for women with ovarian cancer for the OCRF
The State of the Nation: Blood Cancer in Australia report for the Leukaemia Foundation
The economic impacts of e-health infrastructure for several Federal and State governments and industry bodies, including the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record and PROMISe software program for the Pharmacy Guild
A Collaborative Assessment of Access to Cancer Medicines for Medicines Australia
Financial Impact of Breast Cancer for the BCNA focused on out-of-pocket costs
Reforms to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme to improve value for money from off-patent medicines
A review of policies for meaningful consumer input to health technology assessment programs for Eli Lilly
Microeconomic industry and game theory analysis for a major pharmaceutical company
Business cases for a range of health and hospital infrastructure
Industry policy and export market development strategy for the medical devices sector.